Renewed Novelty Footnotes

1- Jesse Reiser must be credited with the coining of this term in reference to the design of the Cardiff Bay Opera House Project.

2- See my: "New Variations on the Rowe Complex" in ANY Magazine no.7/8: Colin Rowe (New York: Anyone Co., 1994) pages 38-43 and "Multiplicitous and Inorganic Bodies" in Assemblage 19 (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1992) pages 32-49.

3- See my introduction: "Architectural Curvilinearity: the Folded, the Pliant and the Supple in Architecture" in the special issue of Architectural Design Magazine, no.102: Folding in Architecture (London: Academy Additions, 1993), pages 8-15.

4- Mark Rakatansky first brought the text: Steps to An Ecology of Mind (Gregory Bateson) to my attention, making the connection between William Bateson and the critics of random mutation and more contemporary theories of information systems, cybernetics, extropy and complexity.

5- "This much alone is clear, that the meaning of cases of complex repetition will not be found in the search for an ancestral form, which, itself presenting the same character, may be twisted into the representation of its supposed descendant. Such forms may be, but in finding them the real problem is not even resolved a single stage; for from whence was their repetition derived? The answer to this question can only come in a fuller understanding of the laws of growth and of variation which are as yet merely terms." William Bateson, "The Ancestry of the Chordata," The Scientific Papers of William Bateson, 2 vols. (Cambridge: Cambridge Universty Press, 1928) vol. I, pages 1-31.

6- Gerry Webster, "William Bateson and the Science of Form," in Materials, page xlvii.

7- I have made reference to August Trembley's studies of Hydra and Planaria elsewhere and these discussions would relate strongly to Bateson's work on limb generation.

(ed. Note: cf. also Craig Berman's limb regeneration essay )

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